My Work



The Solution Is Your Space ™

Maybe you’re a caregiver. Or maybe your mornings are filled with staff meetings. However you spend them, think about something that you have to do most days.

Walk through this task in your mind, from start to finish. Think about every step that you need to take to complete it. Consider who needs to be present. How long do you need to hold your focus? And what materials or technology are necessary?

Now ask yourself: “how does it feel to do this?” Are you in flow or does it drain your energy? What are the barriers you’re running up against time and again? And what have you tried to make it easier?

The solution is your space. Whether you realize it or not, when your space isn’t arranged in a way that supports your day-to-day activities, it can add unnecessary steps (literal and metaphorical), reduce productivity, and add stress to our already overcrowded lives.

But the solution doesn't need to be as drastic as taking down walls and ordering all new furniture. When we prioritize form over function and flow, we overlook the friction points that will keep us stuck no matter how beautiful a room becomes.

My research has proven that space design doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. By taking an inFORMED approach to our environments we can improve collaboration, increase our creativity, and re-fill our energetic reserves.

Who I Work With
(And How)

I support people in the business of people—those who rely on employees and serve customers or patients within a physical space. They’re looking to create a better experience for patients, enhance their brand or culture, and use their resources more efficiently.

01. Healthcare Organizations

02. Public + Privates Companies

03. Individuals + Caregivers

04. Architects + Designers

Through keynotes, workshops, and consulting, I help them examine their existing spaces and find solutions to make them more practical, functional, and comfortable for the people who inhabit them daily. 

Trusted by


Designing Healthcare Facilities for All Persons

Published by Wiley Press

Discover the surprising ways that environments influence care delivery and individual well-being in Designing Healthcare Facilities for All Persons. Dr. Lorissa McAllister offers evidence-based strategies to help healthcare leaders and staff overcome physical barriers and create more inclusive and supportive care experiences.