New Basis of Design

We are in a new era of design and use of our buildings.  Today our greatest assets are the people in the organizations with the flattening of the business environment the uniqueness of business and especially in the knowledge economy.  Business need to continue to improve the productivity of their workforce a more recent measure (CORNELL) shows the new measure of not just measuring how fast a person can do their job but how accurate they are when they do that job and how available they are to operate at the optimal level.  This also integrate the work that has been done on sustainability and its measures environmental impact of Creating an environment for that optimum performance of people is key.  The manufacturing and other machine based industries have been doing this for years creating the “ideal” for the machines for them to operate weather it is temperature, systems, and other availabilities.  This understanding of a designed mechanical system is the analogous to what I believe we can create for human beings.  We have long been working as architects to design solutions for people through building.  The age old question We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us… Winston Churchill (May 10, 1941) The form I believe is the people in the space and the culture of the business and its operations.  We need to recognize that we are all as designers of the system and each have measures that impact its occupants some more clearly correlated than others.   understand that while recognizing that people have some predictable aspect such as stress responses and (look up).  We rarely work together to create these systems to work in harmony.  Some stellar examples in industry are google and Mayo.  These cultures are clearly understood and their business align with built environment.  People have written and tried to find what the secret sauce that these organizations had.

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